We have decided to re-open our shop as this gives our customers the opportunity to see and try our leather and sheepskin jackets and coats for themselves.With the remaining threat of Covid 19 we have done everything in our power to ensure the safety of our customers.This means that we have followed all Government guidelines to make our newly refurbished shop “COVID SAFE”.
Whilst many shops are not permitting garments to be tried on we are opening with the express needs of our customers in mind.This means that customers are welcome to come in and “try before they buy”…in the knowledge that any “tried” leather and/or sheepskin garment will consequently be steam cleansed and then quarantined prior to later returning to the shop floor.
If any customers wish to specifically visit by personal appointment only we are also very happy to arrange for this to be organised.We will require no more than 3 working days notice.Please contact us on 01202 558884 with your preferred date and times as well as the garments that you wish to try as listed on our website.We will then set aside these jackets prior to your visit when the shop will also be closed to all other customers for the duration of the visit itself.